Thursday, March 30, 2017

Day 3

i figure if i call them "meltdowns" instead of "rage episodes" it might transform something......Worth a shot......
language.....anything to help unlock that little beautiful mind of his....

DAY 3.....
Took Zofia to the ortho this morning.....Its nice to grab a min of one on one time when you can.... Took a pit stop at Lamars to grab a donut.... Hey, Zofia, thank you for all your help with Coz... you really know how to speak his language....I feel like it takes a "animal/ baby" whisperer type of skill to do this... almost jedi like.....It's a gift Zofia.... use it......
Next appointment..... Let's just say it was one of those choose your battles kind of days... John had his size 18 month, Ninja Turtle, buck tight, belly showing, pj shirt on with sweat pants.... no socks..... pancake eating face......van wearing boy... I was actually proud he had pants on and shoes.... Coz on the other hand.... had his pants on backwards... i thought they looked fantastic.....Dr....did one blonde joke... like always... little does he know that this is box of 8.99 loreal i tried to be blonde hair look......He made some wise crack about how it was a good thing i was not a soldier bc of my bleeding condition.... mind you this appointment is for John's what I like to call wookie eye......extropia...Excuse me Dr...Bob I AM A SOLDIER...ITS CALLED BEING A MOTHER......
Elevator... I knew it was going to happen.... I saw it coming the look on his face...... The elevator door opened. Beautiful African American family just doing their thing waiting for their floor....... John uncomfortably stares at them..... points and says BLACK....Awkward silence..... I instantly think oh my son is culturally deprived and sheltered... He needs to get out more... Ok.. wait... he is two...hmmmm. Stop overthinking.....
yes that happened....
What a better way to end the day...... Kids and kid's friends lets go to Skate City!!!.... 7 Kids... One mother......
I felt a sense of normalcy at the skate rink... Loud kids falling all over the place in front of me..... One little boy ate it near me and you know what, i actually laughed then I realized I should have helped the poor kid.....I was laughing at the reality of people putting wheels on their feet to roll around......I became amazed at the talent and seriousness that is involed in the sport of roller skating.....People can really get into it... So fantastic....
Get home..... Front door wide open.. Yep for three hours.. Heat on high.... Wind blowing straight through the house... Come on in strangers... Are house is welcome to all....At least it had a fresh scent....
Sitting here in a quiet house... while kids are at gas station getting slur pies... Yes slur pies........Good they made it back alive......

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My heart sank

My heart is sad.. This is raw this is our life... I post this in order to better understand what it's like living with a child with seve...